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Transfer To University

Why Start at a Community College and Transfer Elsewhere?

Whether you choose to attend a university or community college, the first two years of what you study will be similar. You will take general classes that help you improve your critical thinking skills, communication abilities, and let you explore various potential career paths. So why pay more for the same college credits?

In your two years at Snow, you’ll be able to earn 60 credits which gives you an Associate's Degree and meets half the requirements for your Bachelor’s degree. And those 2 years will cost you less than 1 year at a large university!

Plus, you’ll begin your American education in a small, friendly environment where there’s much less pressure and much more support.

Simply put, by starting your education at a community college, you’ll have an easier, more affordable academic journey.

Transfer Options after Studying at Snow College

After completing your first two years at Snow’s community college, you can choose to transfer to any other university in the United States for your final two years of your Bachelor's degree, provided you meet their transfer requirements.

Here's how your 4 years in the U.S. could look:

Years 1 + 2 at Snow College = Associate’s Degree
(60 credits)

  • Save money by taking the same classes at a college that costs less.
  • Explore different fields of study to help you focus on a degree or career path.
  • Improve your English and get comfortable in a new culture. 

Add 2 More Years at University = Bachelor’s Degree
(180 credits)

  • Transfer into a university to take specialized classes in your concentrated area of study.

This is known as the 2 + 2 path, and it leads you to a more affordable 4-year Bachelor’s degree.


The Transfer Process

After you finish your Associate degree at Snow College, if you want to complete a Bachelor degree at a university, there are a few initial steps we recommend you follow:

  • Make an appointment with Student Services.
  • Complete the Transfer Out Form.
  • Get your letter of acceptance from your future school.
  • Change your I-20 form.
  • Complete the Transfer Out Survey.

Our team in Student Services is here to help you at each step of the way to ensure you can continue your academic journey in the way that suits you best.

Transfer to a University in the USA

With an Associate degree from Snow College, you can transfer to any university in the state of Utah. Snow College is part of the Utah System of Higher Education. The state is renowned for the high quality of its education system, ranking #2 in the U.S. News & World Report, 2024 (and #1 best state overall for the last 2 years!).

In addition to in-state universities, Snow College has agreements with universities around the U.S. to give international students more options and facilitate the transfer process. Universities all across America accept transfer students and recognize many of the credits earned in your first two years of higher education in the United States. Your Academic Advisor will be able to work with you to help you choose the right university to transfer to and we also provide plenty of support with your transfer applications. You may even qualify for specific scholarships reserved for Snow students, helping you get the best value toward your Bachelor’s degree.

Where to next?

Your international education journey begins at Snow College in Utah, but where you go next is up to you! Over the years, Snow graduates have transferred to hundreds of top institutions. To showcase their success, we’ve highlighted some of the prestigious universities where you’ll find proud Snow College alumni.

1. Alabama

Auburn University (Auburn)

2. Alaska

University of Alaska (Fairbanks)

3. Arizona

Arizona State University (Tempe)

University of Arizona (Tucson)

Northern Arizona University (Flagstaff)

Grand Canyon University (Phoenix)

4. Arkansas

University of Arkansas (Fayetteville)

5. California

Stanford University (Stanford)

California Institute of Technology (Pasadena)

University of California (Berkeley)

UCLA (Los Angeles)

6. Colorado

University of Colorado (Boulder and Denver)

7. Connecticut

Yale University (New Haven)

Wesleyan University (Middletown)

8. Delaware

University of Delaware (Newark)

9. Florida

University of Florida (Gainesville)

University of South Florida (Tampa)

Florida International University (Miami)

University of Central Florida (Orlando)

10. Georgia

Emory University (Atlanta)

Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta)

11. Hawaii

University of Hawaii at Manoa (Honolulu)

Brigham Young University-Hawaii (Laie)

12. Idaho

Boise State University (Boise)

Brigham Young University-Idaho (Rexburg)

13. Illinois

University of Chicago (Chicago)

Northwestern University (Evanston)

University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)

14. Indiana

Purdue University (West Lafayette)

15. Iowa

University of Iowa (Iowa City)

16. Kansas

University of Kansas (Lawrence)

Kansas State University (Manhattan)

17. Kentucky

University of Kentucky (Lexington)

18. Louisiana

Tulane University (New Orleans)

McNeese State University (Lake Charles)

19. Maine

University of Maine (Orono)

20. Maryland

Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore)

21. Massachusetts

Harvard University (Cambridge)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge)

Boston University (Boston)

Tufts University (Medford)

22. Michigan

University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)

23. Minnesota

University of Minnesota (Minneapolis)

24. Mississippi

University of Mississippi (Oxford)

25. Missouri

Washington University in St. Louis (St. Louis)

University of Central Missouri (Warrensburg)

26. Montana

Montana State University (Bozeman)

27. Nebraska

University of Nebraska (Lincoln and Omaha)

28. Nevada

University of Nevada (Las Vegas)

29. New Hampshire

Dartmouth College (Hanover)

30. New Jersey

Rutgers University (New Brunswick)

31. New Mexico

University of New Mexico (Albuquerque)

32. New York

Columbia University (New York City)

New York University (New York City)

Cornell University (Ithaca)

The Juilliard School (New York City)

33. North Carolina

Duke University (Durham)

University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill)

34. North Dakota

North Dakota State University (Fargo)

35. Ohio

Ohio State University (Columbus)

Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland)

Kent State University (Kent)

36. Oklahoma

University of Oklahoma (Norman)

37. Oregon

University of Oregon (Eugene)

Oregon State University (Corvallis)

38. Pennsylvania

University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia)

Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh)

39. Rhode Island

Brown University (Providence)

40. South Carolina

Clemson University (Clemson)

41. South Dakota

University of South Dakota (Vermillion)

South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (Rapid City)

42. Tennessee

Vanderbilt University (Nashville)

University of Tennessee (Knoxville)

Tennessee Technological University (Cookeville)

43. Texas

University of Texas at Austin (Austin)

Rice University (Houston)

Texas A&M University (College Station)

44. Vermont

Middlebury College (Middlebury)

45. Virginia

University of Virginia (Charlottesville)

College of William & Mary (Williamsburg)

46. Washington

University of Washington (Seattle)

47. West Virginia

West Virginia University (Morgantown)

48. Wisconsin

University of Wisconsin (Madison)

49. Wyoming

University of Wyoming (Laramie)

50. Washington DC

American University

Georgetown University

United states map with orange pins placed to transferable universities.

Explore your Transfer Options with our American University Partners

You can choose to continue your education in the state of Utah or move to one of our Transfer Agreement (TAG) Partners across the United States.

  • Brigham Young University
  • Southern Utah University
  • University of Utah
  • Utah State University
  • Utah Tech University (formerly Dixie State University)
  • Utah Valley University
  • Weber State University
  • Western Governors University
  • Westminster University (formerly Westminster College)

Transfer to a University Anywhere in the World

Thanks to Snow College’s partnerships with universities abroad, you can continue your educational pathway and get even more international experience.

Leave home, come to Utah, then head to France, Ireland, Japan, or New Zealand – your future is truly global!





Earn a Bachelor’s Degree at Snow – No Need to Transfer!

We offer over 90 programs at Snow, including 2 Bachelor's degrees in Commercial Music and Software Engineering. Graduating from either of these programs will make you a competitive job candidate in these growing fields.

Successful Snow College Alumni

Students from over 50 countries have studied at Snow and continued their education with some of the world’s best universities.

Carnegie Logo

Earning a Master’s at Carnegie Mellon in Pennsylvania
- Wilson Sanchez from Honduras

Berklee Logo


Completed a Master’s at Berklee College of Music in Massachusetts
- Jorge Salas Quesada from Costa Rica

John Hopkins University Logo

Earned a Master’s in Biotechnology at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland
- Ishbel del Rosario from Ecuador

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